When you are on the sea or nearby and if you see a marine mammal, use this app to report the sighting.
Share your findings with others, learn more about the marine environment and the interaction of marine mammals with fishermen and boaters.
Contribute to the scientific research and conservation efforts of the Mediterranean sea.
The Mediterranean is home to 12 and and an occasional destination to 17 more marine mammal species.
Become an expert at recognising them at sea, learn how to identify their different behaviours and how you should behave to make the most of the encounter without disturbing the animals.
There are only so many marine biologists and researchers in the Mediterranean sea, with only so many boats.
With your help, and the help of your friends you invite to download this app, you can contribute significantly to better understanding of the Mediterranean sea, the whales, dolphins and other animals who inhabit it.

Marine Ranger app has been developed within project “LIFE Delfi – Dolphin Experience: Lowering Fishing Interactions” (LIFE18 NAT/IT/000942) co-funded by LIFE financial instrument of the European Union. Activities of the Blue World Institute in Croatia are also co-funded by the Croatian Government’s Office for Cooperation with NGOs. The views expressed in this publication or mobile application are the sole responsibility of the Blue World Institute and LIFE Delfi partners and do not necessarily reflect the official position of the European Union or the Croatian Government’s Office for Cooperation with NGOs.

When you are on the sea or nearby and if you see a marine mammal, use this app to report the sighting.
Share your findings with others, learn more about the marine environment and the interaction of marine mammals with fishermen and boaters.
Contribute to the scientific research and conservation efforts of the Mediterranean sea.
Learn about marine mammals
The Mediterranean is home to 12 and and an occasional destination to 17 more marine mammal species.
Become an expert at recognising them at sea, learn how to identify their different behaviours and how you should behave to make the most of the encounter without disturbing the animals.
Contribute to scientific research
There are only so many marine biologists and researchers in the Mediterranean sea, with only so many boats.
With your help, and the help of your friends you invite to download this app, you can contribute significantly to better understanding of the Mediterranean sea, the whales, dolphins and other animals who inhabit it.
Marine Ranger app has been developed within project “LIFE Delfi – Dolphin Experience: Lowering Fishing Interactions” (LIFE18 NAT/IT/000942) co-funded by LIFE financial instrument of the European Union. Activities of the Blue World Institute in Croatia are also co-funded by the Croatian Government’s Office for Cooperation with NGOs. The views expressed in this publication or mobile application are the sole responsibility of the Blue World Institute and LIFE Delfi partners and do not necessarily reflect the official position of the European Union or the Croatian Government’s Office for Cooperation with NGOs.